March 23, 2010

Religious Fanatic

On Tuesday, in a small town in sindh, a man beheaded three of his daughters and then cut his own veins and bled to death. This barbaric act does not have a taliban connection nor an economic connection. The man slaughtered his three innocent daughters in the name of religion. Their heads were found underneath the feet of a hindu goddess along with all the items needed for "puja path". Although we know that not all hindus practice human sacrifice but it is important to highlight that extremism groups exist within all religions. The christians have the ku klux klan (they massacred and killed uncountable people that were not white using christianity as an excuse), us muslims have the taliban/al qeada, and the hindus have the Kali worshipers. Now the reports didn't show which goddess specifically this man offered his daughters to, but with a little research i have discovered that most of human sacrifices in the hindu religion belong to the followers of the Kali goddess. For example; In another event in 2002, a man, his wife, his daughter and three other people stripped a 15 year girl down and chopped pieces of her body off (hands, feet, and breasts) until she bled to death. They placed her body parts in front of a picture of Kali's feet. And no matter how disgusting it sounds, the animals behind this crime brag about their vicious acts rather than see it as wrong. According to Time magazine, although human sacrificing practices are banned throughout the world they are still practiced. In india, each month there is at least one human sacrificed for Kali that the authorities find out about. While those sacrifices take place in and around big cities like mumbai and calutta, it would be scary to find out how many sacrifices take place in the the villages and the rural area that the authorities barely have any access to. It is interesting to note that while the whole world sees muslims as religious fanatics they easily forget the real ones that walk around amongst them; Islam condemns such acts while it's counterparts make it a part of their religion. Well, as of now i just feel bad for the wife of the murderer who returned home and saw her whole life ruined in front of her eyes.

March 15, 2010

Well Done Idiot!

No this isn't another post about how bad Zardari's leadership is, im sure we are all quite aware of that by now. In fact, this is about another politician: Chief Minister of Punjab Shahbaz Sharif. This guy is a complete moron. Some might even compare his incapability to lead to his brother (the infamous Nawaz Sharif). Today, through the press, he sent a message to the taliban: "Spare Punjab." And those, my friends, are his EXACT words. I can't even describe the anger i feel against him right now. While the whole country is fighting the taliban and even arch political rivals are working hand in hand for the nation's cause, this idiot comes out saying some stupid shit like this. Not only that, he goes on blaming the whole problem on Musharraf. Dude, Mushy is long gone, find another excuse! Personally, I believe this is one of the main reasons we need to kick out the Sharif brothers from Pakistan. All they ever do is cause unnecessary chaos. I mean look at NWFP (North-West Frontier Province). It has been rocked by suicide attacks countless times since the past year and their CM Ameer Haider Khan Hoti still stands strong against the taliban and supports the greater good of the nation. But when Punjab trades one day with NWFP, Shahbaz Sharif goes on begging the taliban for mercy?!? What kind of example is he setting for other politicians? Or more importantly the youth? We all agree he isn't qualified to be in the position in the first place, but can't he just keep his bloody mouth shut. He isn't helping anyone by opening it; in fact he's doing the exact opposite. Thanks to him, now fear has more chances of growing within the Pakistani society then a sense of pride and patriotism. My message to Shahbaz Sharif: Well Done Idiot! What could we ever do without you? -_-

March 11, 2010

Justice; PCB Style

Finally the PCB (Pakistan Cricket Board) grew some sense and took action against the growing power and indiscipline of its players. While the power of cricketers had always been a problem; it had never been taken care of. As the punishments go, Shoaib Malik and Rana Naved-ul-Hasan got one year bans. Kamran Akmal, Umar Akmal, and Shahid Afridi each got fined Rs 3 million ($35,000), Rs 2 million ($24,000), and Rs 3 million ($35,000) respectfully. The three also are put in a 6 month probation period. But the shocking part is that Younus Khan and Muhammad Yousaf were also punished. Both were given lifetime bans. They are accused of being a "bad influence" on the team. But before you draw any conclusion you must know that it isn't an official lifetime ban though. The PCB stated that they will call Younus and Yousaf back to the national team whenever PCB thinks they have improved. Until then they can still play county or domestic cricket home or abroad. The trouble officially started earlier this year when Pakistan lost all 9 matches (3 Tests, 5 ODIs, 1 T20) against Australia. While our team looked perfect on paper, it performed like crap on the field. So PCB conducted an inquiry and found out some key players that disturbed and tarnished the Pakistani national team. I think they did the right thing but i also think they are being unfair to Younus and Yousaf. Both players just tried to do what is best for the national team. Under Younus, the problem was there was too much disunity amongst the players (probably caused by Shoaib Malik), and Yousaf just wasn't captain material. However, Most likely they will challenge the ban and even become successful in doing so. Lets just hope all the mess is cleared up before next month; when the Twenty20 World Cup takes place.

[Image: © AFP]

March 9, 2010

Our Destiny


With the killing and arrests of over a dozen taliban commanders, the taliban have become an extinct force in Pakistan. Just late last year, they rocked our nation with barbaric suicide attacks that ripped through our nation. They harmed our lives and made it impossible for us to live, the way we wanted to live, in our own country. But today they are on the run and have no land, no support, and barely any force or power left in them. What caused their downfall? Lets just say they messed with the wrong people. In a nation where we don't let political leaders complete their terms in office [Shaukat Aziz being the only exception as he is the only Prime Minister in Pakistani history to complete his term in office] just because we THINK they might not want the best for us, What makes you think we would let some bastards who kill our women and children and attack our masjids to even breathe on our land. We are the descendants of the ruling families of south asia who created and controlled some of the greatest empires this world has ever seen. We will not tolerate any evil or scumbags like the taliban. The taliban might think that the attack on the FIA [Federal Investigation Agency] building in Lahore would weaken our will but they are mistaken; because we are only getting stronger with each scar they give us. We have secured Swat, South Waziristan, Bajaur, and now the city they turned into hell; Peshawar. And we will not stop till every bit of our nation is cleansed from horrific disease. For more than 62 years, we have been searching for the truth, seeking excellence, and beating every threat that comes our way. What makes the taliban think that they, a bunch of misguided infidels, will come in the way of our true destiny. The destiny that Jinnah saw, the destiny that God has planned for us, the destiny that God himself will one day hand to us when we are deserving enough. But until that day comes, no one will be able to dismay us. And we will crush every evil that comes our way; whether it is from the east or the west, or in this case both...

[Image: © AFP Photos]